The Joint Mathematics Meetings (the “largest mathematics meeting in the world,” according to the website) are coming to San Diego in January! I will appear in two events at the meeting:

  1. On Friday, January 11, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, I will sign copies of The Universe in Zero Words at the Princeton University Press booth. Bring your own copy or buy one there!
  2. On Saturday, January 12, from 8:00 to 8:20, I will give a talk called “Exposing and Expositing Math to the Public: Two Paths.” This talk is part of the MAA Invited Paper Session on Writing, Talking, and Sharing Mathematics. Even if you can’t get up early enough to attend my talk, you should still make plans to attend the other talks, by Barry Cipra, Frank Morgan, Gerald Folland, and Frank Farris. We’ll probably have some sort of group discussion after the individual talks.

I hope to see you there!

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