
Let me start by saying that I don’t believe there is any such thing as a bad review. Any reader’s perspective, assuming he or she has actually read the book, is a valid one that an author should consider. However, I do feel as if I’ve been a little...

Welcome to Goodreads members!

Last week I learned about a cool social website for book-lovers, called Goodreads. If you join the site, you can submit reviews and evaluations of books that you have read. You can also network with friends and find out what books they are reading. Think Facebook but...

Capitola Book Cafe update

I have some exciting news to pass along about Capitola Book Cafe’s “Survive & Thrive” campaign. As I wrote earlier, they were trying to raise $285,000 by June 30 in order to keep their for-profit business going and also to start a non-profit...

Interview Posted at “The Browser”

Today an interview with me was posted at “The Browser,” a British website devoted mostly to book reviews. Before I talk about the interview, let me just say how much I love their concept. The centerpiece of the website is called “Five Books,” a...