Last week I learned about a cool social website for book-lovers, called Goodreads. If you join the site, you can submit reviews and evaluations of books that you have read. You can also network with friends and find out what books they are reading. Think Facebook but with more focus.

Ironically, I found Goodreads by reading about it the old-fashioned way: in a magazine! The Stanford alumni magazine had a profile of the two people who started Goodreads, who were both Stanford students. I thought, “Wow! I’ve got to check that out!”

Goodreads also has some attractive features for authors, notably the opportunity to link their blogs to Goodreads. I’ve just “synched” my blog, and so now all Goodreads members can read it without leaving the Goodreads website. Goodreads also makes it possible for authors to offer free giveaways. I expect that I will do that soon, and I will let you know when the giveaway is scheduled.

One final comment for Goodreads members. If you visit my website,, you will see that it doesn’t look much like a blog. For various reasons, I wanted it to look just like a regular website, so the welcome page is static. The “bloggy” part of the website is under the “News” tab, and that is the only part that will show up on Goodreads. The website contains lots more information about my books (as well as about me and my cat, Max) that will not appear on Goodreads. So I hope you’ll click on over to my website some time. For your convenience, here are links to my pages on The Universe in Zero Words, The Big Splat, the What’s Happening in the Mathematical Sciences series, and finally an index of my recent magazine articles.

Welcome aboard!

P.S. For any of you who might be interested, I do have another blog, a chess-themed blog called dana blogs chess. I do not plan to link that one to Goodreads, because I think that the audiences probably have a rather small overlap. However, please feel free to visit that blog directly by clicking on the link.

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