Back to Oslo …

by admin on March 16, 2009

Tomorrow I am going to fly back to Oslo, where I will hopefully get another chance to visit the Oslo Chess Club and maybe watch some of the club championship action on Thursday.

I’ve been really sporadic in my posting lately, and I hope that will change after my traveling is done and after I’ve finished the work that has been taking all of my time over the last month or two. But anyway, I thought I would mention that the Aptos Library Chess Club has started up again. That’s the club for kids that I have been running for 12 years. We didn’t meet for three whole months. First the library re-surfaced the parking lot. For some reason this meant that the meeting room was not available, although I do not understand why. That’s why we didn’t meet in December and January. By February the parking lot was done, but of course I had my two trips coming up and so I told the librarian I wouldn’t be able to restart the chess club until March.

Another change is that we moved the meeting time from Friday to Tuesday, because (due to economic hardship) the library is now closed on Fridays. All of a sudden my Tuesdays have turned into very busy days, because my hula dance class is that same day! So I go to chess club from 3:30 to 4:30, then put the pieces all away and then drive clear across town to hula practice at 5:15. So far I’ve managed to be on time both weeks I’ve tried it.  😎

On my first week back, the librarian bought a chocolate cake and lemonade to celebrate the return of the chess club! We got about 10 kids that week, and about 12 kids last week, so things seem to have started up again without a hitch.

By the way, I did not get a chance to go to Concord to watch the last round of the chess tournament, as I said I would in my last entry. Sorry if any of you were waiting for me to write about that. My next actual tournament will be the Far West Open in Reno, April 10 to 12. That’s pretty soon! I’m excited about finally getting to play some serious chess again!

Okay, time to pack my bags for Oslo …

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

chesstiger March 17, 2009 at 2:43 am

Have fun in Oslo, kick some norwegian chess butt (sorta to speak). It will be a good training for your tournament in the Far West, heeeyaaaaa, cowbow! 😎


henry March 17, 2009 at 7:52 am


Please don’t post any pictures of Oslo. I for one would prefer to see a photo of you doing the hula 🙂


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